Thursday, 13 February 2014

1st Shoot - Work Record


For this shoot, I had to make sure that I had space in the studio so that I could get the close up images of the eyes and face that I really wanted.  I also had to make sure that the studio was then set up the way that I needed it, which involved arranging the lights and organising the correct background.  Another aspect was making sure that I had access to the macro lens so that I could get close to my subject, keeping the same amount of definition and focus to the image.  This was important in this shoot as I wanted to make sure that all of the quality and focus was kept in the image.

What I Hope To Achieve

For this shoot I am hoping that I am going to be able to get some interesting looking close-up shots of the eyes and other facial features.  I am going to focus the majority of my attention on the eyes however, as I think that they have the most detail and are the most appealing to look at.  Through using the macros lens, I hope that I will be able to get close enough to be able to see the detail in the eye, without being incredibly close to the subject itself.

This is the type of image that I am aspiring to in this shoot, as I like the detail that you can see within the eye and I think that the colours used in this image are particularly effective with the overall idea of the photograph.  I like how you can see all of the strands on the iris of the eye, which is something that I would like to be able to capture in my own work.  I would also like to be able to get the same type of quality in the eye, but further out with both eyes in the image, rather than just the one. I think that this image is something realistic to aim for, however I am going to experiment with the type of images that I am going to take.

This image is something that I am probably a lot more likely to achieve as the detail isn't that great, however you can still see the general idea behind the actual image, which is an idea that I want to follow.  There is still a great deal of detail within the image however, which I think is reflected through the black and white technique that has been used. 

What I Actually Achieved

I think it is fair to say that I definitely got some really interesting photographs from this shoot, with a good variety of shots, that all show a different type of detail.  I got some extremely close-up and others further out so that you can see more of the actual face, rather than just of the eye in itself.  As this was an idea that I wanted to explore,  it is fair to say that I have definitely done a lot of experimental work within this photoshoot.  These are two of my favourite photos from the shoot that I managed to get. 

This photo in particular I was really pleased with.  I liked how close I managed to get to the subject, keeping a lot of the detail.  Even though you may not be able to see that much detail in the actual eye, I still think that the way that I have managed to get so close to the eye, capturing the detail in the eyelashes and the texture of the skin surrounding the eye itself, is just as interesting to look at, as it is to look at the detail in an actual eye.

This is another photograph that I was really happy with.  I thought that the black and white effect that I added over the top, made the image look a lot smoother and cleaner, putting all of the focus on the eyes, which was the idea I had when editing this photograph.  The eyes in this photograph are very piercing and the light reflective off of the eyes is particularly effective to engage you in the image.  The overall photo I think has a lot of effect as the subject is looking up at the camera, maybe looking slightly submissive to the photographer. 

What I Plan To Do Next

I am going to experiment more with different facial features to see if I can capture the same amount of detail.  I'm going to try features such as noses, mouths and ears to show different aspects.  As a general shoot idea, I think I would like to experiment with multiple exposures, highlighting the close-up idea, that I think would be interesting to capture with multiple exposures.  

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