Thursday, 6 March 2014

Close-up Photography Discussion

After looking at the different topics that I could do, mainly focusing on fashion photography, close-up photography and the photoessay.  I decided that I wanted to focus on close-up and look at ideas from the other two topics within the idea of close-up photography.  I thought that this would be better to do rather than looking at one of the other topics and being stuck on what to photograph.  I also like the idea of close-up photography as I feel like there is a lot that you can photograph, without limits on the subject that the photographer is focusing on.  I enjoy the idea of focusing on the details and textures in things rather than looking at how something looks beautiful.  This is why I decided to choose close-up, as it is something that I am more interested in developing.

This image is something that I would like to use as influence for other shoots.  I like the way that it is a clear close-up of the dragonfly, but is still showing it's entire body.  I like the way that the photographer has still managed to show the movement in close-up photography.  This is something that I want to be able to capture myself when it comes to photographing bugs and insects, if i decide to explore this area.  I wanted to definitely use the idea of movement in this shoot to capture close up, as I think that it is a really nice development of the idea.

The idea of eyes is something that I am going to explore in a lot of detail, because I think that it is a really unique and interesting idea to explore.  As all eyes are different I think I might focus a shoot on this idea, getting lots of different images of people's eyes.  I like the way that you can edit photographs in this particular way, because it expands the idea behind the entire image.  The way that the photographer has put a sort of world map effect over the top of this image, really develops the idea about the eyes seeing the world.  I thought that this was a really nice idea to look at and I might even look at this as an idea on top of an eye shoot. 

Another area of close-up photography that I am going to develop throughout the project, is the close-ups of flowers and general things in nature.  I love how all of the flowers out there have a sense of individuality, whether it be colour, style or size and I would really enjoy getting a good idea on the type of photography I can develop with the idea.  Much like this image above, I also like the way that the raindrops are on the petals, giving it a much stronger sense of the nature element. 

Overall, I think that the close-up topic is going to be something that I can really develop and make my own.  I have already started looking into different photographers that I can use as inspiration and I plan to expand on the ideas that they are indicating, or even mimicking their own photographs and making them my own. I like the idea of using other people's work and expanding or developing their ideas, but only to a certain extent so that the images that are created are still entirely unique and still have an element of surprise.

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